The 89K pathogenicity island (PAI), which has been previously recognized as unique to the Chinese epidemic strains causing STSS, was partially included in some other virulent and avirulent strains. The ABC-type transport systems, encoded by 89K, were hypothesized to greatly contribute to the ...
复制 importjava.util.*;*;classGFG{// 通用函数,用于转换// 从一个数组转换到流publicstatic<T>Stream<T>convertArrayToStream(Tarray[]){// 返回转换流;}publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){// Create an ArrayString array[]={"Geeks","forGeeks","...
After annealing at 400 and 800 ◦C, the SiO2/Ag/SiO2 nanocaps shrank, which resulted in the growth of the nanogap size between the neighboring nanocaps. Simultaneously, after the annealing, the nanoparticles in the nanocaps grew into large grains due to the formation of nanotwins, which ...