This Visualizer automatically detects all local arrays once the debugger enters into Break Mode. It allows you to select any array and it will render it in 2D, 3D or 4D: Sample 2D view: Sample 3D view: Sample 4D view (Displayed as a sequence of 3D arrays): The visualizer uses the ToSt...
Hi I am using WinXP64, VS2005, IVF11.1.065. I have added appropriate include and lib directories for the Array Visualizer. While it is a known issue
How to use Build mkdir -p dist target javac src/array/visualizer/ -sourcepath src -d target/ jar -cvfm dist/ArrayVisualizer.jar -C target/ ./ Run java -jar dist/ArrayVisualizer.jar ===About Sorting Visualizer with 6 different views and 14 included ...
下用方便,不过用户一般都是界面编译,不会使用命令行编译,因此没有影响。不注册也正确,除非你是正版的,compaq array visualizer可能在你的安装路径下没有所以一直提示,不过这只是个附加软件,可以看一些特殊格式数据,比如NetCDF或HDF的数据,不安装不影响编译。你run程序修改后一直是上一个程序的结果...
Hello folks, I am using the latest version of Array Visualizer with CVF 6.6 on Windows 2000. The program is using AV to make contour plots of
The Array Visualizer uses OpenGL® to allow the user to interactively move, rotate and zoom data graphs, taking advantage of any OpenGL acceleration offered by the system's graphics adapter. The Array Visualizer includes several different software components: the Array Viewer application, the AView...
64位win 7系统,已安装intel fortran xe2011 +vs2010。调试时不能使用visualizer,单击右键array viewer ...
New sorts, courtesy of Piotr Grochowski ( Iterative Pairwise Sorting Network Recursive Pairwise Sorting Network Recursive Combsort 10/13/2019 - Version 2.0 is now released! Now includes 73 sorting algorithms, with 2 more that will be finished ...
安装完compaq visual fortran 6.5和Array visualizer后,在调试时,点击arry visualizer的按钮总是提示错误...
I am a long-time user of the Intel Array Visualizer/Array Viewer. I still use it with the newer versions of Intel Visual Fortran while Intel for