Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Hello, I have this code that gives me the error from the title: This is problem statement: Given a string of "s" consisting of two words separated by space (first name and name), write t...
{intCapacity;//record the total space allocated for this stackintTopOfStack;//record the Array subscript of top elementElementType *Array;//record the allocated array address};intIsEmpty(Stack S);intIsFull(Stack S);voidPush(ElementType x, Stack S);voidPop(Stack S); Stack CreateStack(intMax...
In C++, eachelement in an arrayis accessed using an index value (with array subscript operator), which is a unique number representing the position of the element within the array. Array indices start at 0 and go up to size -1, where size is the total number of elements in the array....
vtp_li_b=vtp[li_int][b]+vtp[li_int+1][b]; b改成 int 型 我改了一下 没有error了 include<stdio.h> include<math.h> void main(){ int T_obj,li_int,b,b1,li;double t,temp,v,V_act,vtp_li_b,lib1,flag,vtp_max,vtp_min;double vtp[][7]={ {1733.6,1816.7,1...
把int duichen(int*a,int);参数中的a改成数组形式。int duichen(int a[10][10],int); 函数实现中的实参也要改成数组形式。main函数中调用这个函数,只要传递数组名称,不要*星号。
1、array subscript is not integer 我一开始写的代码是这样的写的 buf[strlen[buf] - 1] = '\0'; 1. 很明显写错了,以后不要再犯这样的错误了,切记 buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; 1. 2、AF_NET not undeclared 这是我写的代码 inet.pton(AF_NET, buf + 6, &addr); ...
error: array subscript is not an integer 在C语言编译中出现的问题提示,是什么意思 li-li_int是float型。li_int=(int)li; li_int为整型但li依然是浮点型 两数相减结果是浮点型。例如:float cur = 0;//当前要比较的数的下标float max = number[0];//当前最大的数值,初始
解释“invaild types int[int] for array subscript”错误信息含义 在C++中,错误信息“invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript”通常表明你试图使用一个非数组或指针类型的变量(在这个情况下是一个整数类型int)作为数组的下标。这是不合法的,因为数组下标应该是整型(如int、size_t等),并且用来指定数组中的...
max函数中array变量是int*类型,它是int数组bai,后面只能一个下标,写了多处array[I][j],当做二维数组来用。max函数最后一个for循环,for循环应该有三部分,它们以分号隔开,这里只有一部分,没有分号隔开。include <iostream> using namespace std;int max(int (*array)[100],int I,int J,int...
https://developer.aliyun.com/profile/5yerqm5bn5yqg?spm=a2c6h.12873639.0.0.6eae304abcjaIB ...