2. The second largest number is after the largest number. In this case, when the second largest number comes into the loop, it if block statements will not execute because the if condition will verify if the current number checked (second number) is larger than the current largest number. ...
/** * A Java program to find the second-largest number in an array * by iterating over an array using a for loop. * * @author coderolls.com */ public class SecondLargestElementInArray { public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arr = {2, 5, 9, 8, 11, 18, 13}; int...
importjava.util.Arrays;importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassMain{publicstaticintfindSecondLargestNumber(int[] numbers){intlargest=Integer.MIN_VALUE;intsecondLargest=Integer.MIN_VALUE;for(inti : numbers) {if(i > largest) { secondLargest = largest; largest = i; }elseif(i > secondLargest && i !=...
Java Program to find the largest and smallest element in an array: Here is the Java program I am talking about. This shows you how to find the maximum and minimum number in a given array in Java, without using any library method. import java.util.Arrays; /** * Java program to find...
Given an array, we have to find the second largest number in the array using the class and object approach. Example: Input: array[0]:1 array[1]:2 array[2]:44 array[3]:3 array[4]:5 Output: Second Largest Number is 5 C++ code to find the second largest number in the array using...
7. Write a Java program to find the second largest element in an array. packagecom.zetcode;importjava.util.Arrays;publicclassFindSecondLargest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){int[] my_array = {10789,2035,1899,2046,2049,1456,2013}; ...
15.Write a Java program to find common elements between two integer arrays. Click me to see the solution 16.Write a Java program to remove duplicate elements from an array. Click me to see the solution 17.Write a Java program to find the second largest element in an array. ...
Think about it(second problem) yourself. Take your time. Understand the logic first then try to code. 6th Aug 2018, 7:06 AM Akib + 1 ok thank youAkib Reza 6th Aug 2018, 7:11 AM Tarika + 1 To add to Jays idea: Check the index of the largest and smallest number and set them to...
Program to find second smallest element from an array in java importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassExArrayFindSecondSmallest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// Intialising the variablesintn,min;Scanner Sc=newScanner(System.in);// Enter the number of elements.System.out.print("Enter number of ...
20.Write a Scala program to find the second smallest element from a given array of integers. Click me to see the sample solution 21.Write a Scala program to test the equality of two arrays. Click me to see the sample solution 22.Write a Scala program to find a missing number in an ...