8.类型安全性不同 ArrayList是类型安全的,因为它支持泛型(Generics) 允许编译器检查ArrayList 里所包含的对象是否是正确的类型。 然而,Array并不支持泛型,这代表在编译时期检查Array所保存对象的类型是不可能的,但是Array通过抛出ArrayStoreException异常的方式来进行运行时的类型检查如果你存储了一个错误类型的对象。例如:...
i hope you understand now try to used javap decompiler of java you understand alot 12th Jun 2018, 6:58 PM Arun Tomar + 4 Amir yes you change.. but the way you cheated the array of generics type is wrong mam.. i comments also. i hope you go through it 14th Jun 2018, 1:15 PM ...
One more significant(重要的) difference between an ArrayList and an array is that the former supports Generic but the latter doesn’t. Since an array is of covariant type, you can use Generics with them. This means it’s not possible for a compiler to check the type-safety of an array ...
所以,从java5开始,这个区别越来越不明显了,因为通过自动封装你会发现“ArrayList.add(21)”是非常合法并且运行正常。 6) Generics(泛型) ArrayList和array之间的另外一个重要的区别就是前者能够显示的支持泛型,后者不行。 由于数组是协变性的,所以你可以在array上使用泛型(Since an array is of covariant type, you...
Question 4: Can you use Generics with an array?[answer] No, you cannot use the Generic feature with an array, that's why sometimes List is a better choice over an array in Java, which is also recommended by Joshua Bloch in his class Java book,Effective Java, a must-read for writing...
ArrayStoreException if the runtime type of the specified array is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this list. 3可以与 Java 1.5 之前的版本兼容 这个方法在 Java 引入 Generics 之前(JDK1.5 中引入了 Generics)就出现了9。那时它被声明称这样: ...
This Tutorial Covers the Array Class in Java and the methods of java.util.arrays Class along with Detailed Description & Examples of Array Class methods.
Java array is a collection of similar data types. Array is a container object that hold values of homogenous type. Learn more about array in java in this tutorial
// Can't create an array of type-specific generic references. // Gen<Integer> gens[] = new Gen<Integer>[10]; MyClass<?> gens[] = new MyClass<?>[10]; // OK } } Home Java Book Language Basics Generics: Generic Class Generic Bounded Types Generic Wildcard Arguments Generic...
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