Manages a compact array of bit values, which are represented as Booleans, where true indicates that the bit is on (1) and false indicates the bit is off (0).
Manages a compact array of bit values, which are represented as Booleans, where true indicates that the bit is on (1) and false indicates the bit is off (0).
$ python -c 'import bitarray; bitarray.test()' bitarray is installed in: /Users/ilan/bitarray/bitarray bitarray version: 3.1.1 sys.version: 3.10.14 (main, Oct 25 2022) [Clang 16.0.6] sys.prefix: /Users/ilan/miniforge3 pointer size: 64 bit sizeof(size_t): 8 sizeof(bitarrayobje...
{true,false,true,true,false}; BitArray myBA4 =newBitArray( myBools );int[] myInts =newint[5] {6,7,8,9,10}; BitArray myBA5 =newBitArray( myInts );// Displays the properties and values of the BitArrays.Console.WriteLine("myBA1"); Console.WriteLine(" Count: {0}", myBA1...
myBytes ); bool[] myBools = new bool[5] { true, false, true, true, false }; BitArray myBA4 = new BitArray( myBools ); int[] myInts = new int[5] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; BitArray myBA5 = new BitArray( myInts ); // Displays the properties and values of the Bit...
Xor(BitArray) 针对指定数组中的相应元素,在当前 BitArray 对象中的元素间执行按位“异或”运算。 将修改当前 BitArray 对象,以存储按位“异或”运算的结果。 扩展方法 展开表 Cast<TResult>(IEnumerable) 将IEnumerable 的元素强制转换为指定的类型。 OfType<TResult>(IEnumerable) 根据指定类型筛选 IEnu...
bytearray(iterable_of_ints) -> bytearray [0,255]的int组成的可迭代对象 bytearray(string, encoding[, errors]) -> bytearray 近似string.encode(),不过返回可变对象 bytearray(bytes_or_buffer) 从一个字节序列或者buffer复制出一个新的可变的bytearray对象 ...
Add to the top of your code: #include "bit_array.h" Add to your compiler arguments: BIT_ARR_PATH=path/to/bit_array/ gcc ... -I$(BIT_ARR_PATH) -L$(BIT_ARR_PATH) -lbitarr Shorter function names are provided in bar.h, which can be included instead of bit_array.h: #...
using System; using System.Collections; public class SamplesBitArray { public static void Main() { // Creates and initializes a BitArray. BitArray myBA = new BitArray( 5 ); // Displays the properties and values of the BitArray. Console.WriteLine( "myBA values:" ); PrintIndexAndValues...
取值范围的计算:如UInt16Array即元素长度为16个bit位,所能表示的最大值即16个bit 全置1, 二进制计算结果就是 十进制的 65535 即2^16 - 1 , 最小值即全置0, 十进制换算也是0, 所以无符号16bit所表示的值范围就是0~65535。 而Int16Array是带符号的, 因此最bit位为符号位,表示正负, 剩下15位用于表示...