array_unshift($queue, "apple");//Array([0] => apple[1] => raspberry[2] => orange[3] => banana) 4、array_fill(start_index,num,value )-- 用给定的值填充数组 num: 填充的条目 start_index:指定键名的开始 value:填充的值 $a = array_fill(5, 4, 'banana');//Array([5]=>banana,[...
In PHP 4.2.3 (and maybe earlier versions) arrays with numeric indexes may be initialized to start at a specific index and then automatically increment the index. This will save you having to write the index in front of every element for arrays that are not zero-based. The code: <?php ...
<?php array_splice($input, $index, 1, array('mygreeen')); //Array ( [0] => red [1] => mygreeen [2] => blue [3] => yellow ) ?> so here green is replaced by mygreen. here 1 in array_splice above represent the number of items to be replaced. so here start at index ...
In PHP, array indexes start from 0, so the first element of an array would have an index of 0, the second element would have an index of 1, and so on. For example: “echo $myArray[0]; //” Outputs the first element of the array. Using the aforementioned code snippet, you can ...
Add elements to an array before or after a specific index or key:<?php/** * @return array * @param array $src * @param array $in * @param int|string $pos*/function array_push_before($src,$in,$pos){ if(is_int($pos)) $R=array_merge(array_slice($src,0,$pos), $in, array...
php array_diff()函数 语法 作用:比较两个数组的键值,并返回差集. 语法:array_diff(array1,array2,array3...) 参数: 参数 描述 array1 必 ... php array_fill()函数 语法 php array_fill()函数 语法 作用:用键值填充数组. 语法:array_fill(index,number,value) 参数: 参数 描述 index 必需.被返...
login or index.php?registere.g.<?phpif( array_key_exists( 'home',$_GET ) ) { echo "Home - its where the heart is.";} else if( array_key_exists( 'login',$_GET ) ) { echo "Login code here!";} else if( array_key_exists( 'register',$_GET ) ) { echo "Register code ...
include(PLUS_PATH.\'/ask.cache.php\'); if(!$paramer[classid]) { $askArr = $ask_index; }else{ $askArr = @explode(\',\',$paramer[classid]); } $i=0; foreach($askArr as $key=>$value) { $i++; $askArray[\'key\'] = $i; ...
<?php $valuesPerPage = 8; $totalPages = ceil(count($data) / $valuesPerPage); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $currentPage = $_GET['page']; } else { $currentPage = 1; } $startIndex = ($currentPage - 1) * $valuesPerPage; $endIndex = $startIndex + $valuesPerPage; $count =...