reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue) {/* ... */}) reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex) {/* ... */}) reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex, array) {/* ... */}) reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex, array) {/* ... *...
fields terminated by: 字段间分隔符(默认\001 ^A);collection items terminated by: 集合元素间分隔符(默认\002 ^B);map keys terminated by: map键值间分隔符(默认\003 ^C);lines terminated by: 行分隔符(默认\n) hive> create external table if not exists vendor( #创建表--复杂数据类型 > id int...
val a=Array(1,2,3,4) val func:PartialFunction[Int,Int]={casexifx%2==0=> x+2casex => x+1} a.collectFirst(func)//Option[Int] = Some(2) def combinations(i:Int)返回一个迭代器 排列组合,列出所有的包含不同字符的组合 val a=Array(1,2,3) a.combinations(2).foreach(x=>println(x...
var arr = Array(1,"a","b") //定义一个偏函数,要求当被执行对象为Int类型时,进行乘100的操作, //对于上面定义的对象arr来说,只有第一个元素符合要求 val fun:PartialFunction[Any,Int]={ case x:Int => x*100 } //计算 val value = arr.collectFirst(fun) //另一种写法 val value = arr.col...
isSameValueSetWith isSubsetOf isSubsetOfWith unique uniqueBy groupBy import{pipe}from'fp-ts/lib/function';import{groupBy}from'array-fp-utils';constarr=[{key:2,score:2,},{key:1,score:0.5,},{key:1,score:1,},];// group by key, while maintaining array item orderconstgroupedArr=pipe(arr...
refactor(array): optimize groupBy function #38 Merged haoziqaq merged 1 commit into dev from refactor-array Dec 3, 2024 +1 −2 Conversation 1 Commits 1 Checks 5 Files changed 1 Conversation Member chouchouji commented Dec 3, 2024 No description provided. refactor(array): optimize gr...
vargroupBy=require('array.prototype.groupby');varassert=require('assert');/* when Array#groupBy is not present */deleteArray.prototype.groupBy;varshimmed=groupBy.shim();assert.equal(shimmed,groupBy.getPolyfill());assert.deepEqual(arr.groupBy(parity),groupBy(arr,parity)); ...
groupBy() documentation says: The order of grouped values is determined by the order they occur in collection. But if you have a list like this, where you have a number in the "name" property: var list = [ { 'name': 'a' }, { 'name': 'b' ...
sking_89 well it isn't pretty and maybe one of those new pivotby or groupby function would have helped but here is an option (note I formated the input date as a table but didn't really use it that way... =LET(data, DataTable[#All], title,{"Project","Client","Description","...
sking_89 well it isn't pretty and maybe one of those new pivotby or groupby function would have helped but here is an option (note I formated the input date as a table but didn't really use it that way... =LET(data, DataTable[#All], title,{"Project","Client","Description","...