Are you wondering how to get the last element of an array in JavaScript? JavaScript has a lot of built-in methods that can be used to manipulate arrays. Let’s find out what we can implement to access the last element of the array.
function getLastElementChild(obj){ if(obj.lastElementChild != undefined){ return obj.lastElementChild; }else{ var nodeLast = obj.lastChild; while(nodeLast && nodeLast.nodeType != 1){ nodeLast = nodeLast.previousSibling; } return nodeLast; } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10...
varmyArray=[1,2,3,4,5,6];// Fastest method, requires the array is in a variablemyArray[myArray.length-1];// Also very fast but it will remove the element from the array also, this may or may not matter in your case.myArray.pop();// Slowest but very readable and doesn't req...
❮ Previous JavaScript Array Reference Next ❯ Example 1Find the value of the last element with a value over 18:const ages = [3, 10, 18, 20];function checkAge(age) { return age > 18;}function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = ages.findLast(checkAge);...
const numbers = [4, 12, 16, 20]; function checkValue(x) { return x > document.getElementById("toCheck").value;} function myFunction() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = numbers.findLastIndex(checkValue);} Try it Yourself » Array Tutorials: Array...
Array对象允许在一个变量中存储多个值。它存储相同类型元素的固定大小的顺序集合。数组用于存储数据集合,但将数组看作同一类型变量的集合通常更有用。本文主要介绍JavaScript(JS) array.lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex]) 方法。 原文地址:JavaScript(JS) array.lastIndexOf(searchElement[, fromIndex])...
例如:document.getElementById()只获取一个对象 document.getElementsByTagName()获取对象伪数组 document.getElementsByClassName()获取对象伪数组,存在兼容问题 document.createElement()创建元素 只有document具备write属性 页面对象:document.body获取body标签对象
{varfruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"];varx=document.getElementById("demo"); x.innerHTML=fruits.length; } prototype 定义和用法 prototype 属性可以向对象添加属性和方法。 当构建一个属性,所有的数组将被设置属性,它的默认值。 在构建一个...
array.lastIndexOf(element, idx - 1) : -1; } console.log(indices); // [4, 2, 0] 需要注意的是,这里必须单独处理 idx === 0 的情况,因为如果该元素是数组的第一个元素,则无论 fromIndex 参数的值为何,它总是会被找到。这与 indexOf 方法不同。
JavaScript中document.getElementByld的返回值的类型为()。A.ArrayB.ObjectC.StringD.Function搜索 题目 JavaScript中document.getElementByld的返回值的类型为()。 A.ArrayB.ObjectC.StringD.Function 答案 B 解析收藏 反馈 分享