一、arrayformula函数的基本概念 arrayformula函数是Excel中的一种高级函数,它可以在一个公式中同时处理多个数值,将多个数值的计算结果合并成一个数组。通常情况下,我们的公式只能处理单个数值,而arrayformula函数则能够处理多个数值,大大提高了数据处理的效率。 arrayformula函数的基本语法如下: =arrayformula(array_formula...
ARRAY FORMULA是Excel中的一种函数,它可以对一组数据进行批量计算,并返回一个结果数组。与普通的函数不同,ARRAY FORMULA可以在一个单元格中输入公式,并将结果应用到其他单元格中。这种功能使得处理复杂的分支计算变得更加高效和方便。 二、如何使用ARRAY FORMULA处理复杂分支计算 在Excel中使用ARRAY FORMULA处理复杂分支计...
=ARRAYFORMULA(A1:A10 * B1:B10) 这个公式将每一行的销售数量和销售单价进行相乘,得到对应行的销售总额。通过使用函数ARRAYFORMULA,我们可以一次性对多行数据进行计算,而不需要逐个输入公式。 2.多行数据排序 在Excel中,我们经常需要对多行数据进行排序。如果使用传统的排序功能,我们需要逐个选择每一行的数据范围,然后...
Thus in the formula above, Excel expands the formula into the three arrays:(A2:A10="Fax") {TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE} (B2:B10="Brown") {TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE} (C2:C10) {1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50...
For example, if you put your weekly grocery list into an Excel array format, it would look like: {"Milk", "Eggs", "Butter", "Corn flakes"} Then, if you select cells A1 through D1, enter the above array preceded by an equal sign (=) in the formula bar and pressCTRL + SHIFT +...
Otherwise, the formula must be entered as a legacy array formula by first selecting the output range, entering the formula in the top-left-cell of the output range, and then pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm it. Excel inserts curly brackets at the beginning and end of the formula for ...
MAX-IF Array Formula Older versions of Excel do not have the MAXIFS or MINIFS functions, so let's create our own MAX-IF formula. When we use hyphens to name a formula, it usually means that we're nesting the functions (IF within MAX in this case). ...
-如果您没有使用Excel 365,则使用此函数,并将其包含在表中:
Hi everyone When I enter a formula in a single cell and copy it to the cells below, it computes correctly. However when I force a recalculation (which I have to do as some of the work is dependent ...Show More Excel Reply View Full Discussion (5 Replies)Show Parent Replies mathetes...
excel excel-formula array-formulas Share Improve this question editedApr 26 at 21:36 askedApr 26 at 21:14 Colin 322 bronze badges 2 Answers Sorted by: 0 I am not sure why you don't use FILTER. (maybe you don't have MS365).