An array of 64-bit integers that represent the size of each dimension of the Array to create. Each integer in the array must be between zero and Int32.MaxValue, inclusive. Returns Array A new multidimensional Array of the specified Type with the specified length for each dimension, using ...
At least one element insourceArraycannot be cast to the type ofdestinationArray. ArgumentOutOfRangeException sourceIndexis less than the lower bound of the first dimension ofsourceArray. -or- destinationIndexis less than the lower bound of the first dimension ofdestinationArray. ...
array must be a one-dimensional array. If array is null, this method creates a new array with the specified size. If newSize is greater than the Length of the old array, a new array is allocated and all the elements are copied from the old array to the new one. If newSize is less...
At least one element in sourceArray cannot be cast to the type of destinationArray. ArgumentOutOfRangeException sourceIndex is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of sourceArray. -or- destinationIndex is less than the lower bound of the first dimension of desti...
Array initializer cannot be specified for a non constant dimension; use the empty initializer '{}' Array initializer has <number> too many elements Array initializer has too few dimensions Array initializer has too many dimensions Array initializer is missing <number> elements Array initializers are ...
Must be greater than zero. Return: string toList(bool $convertAllArrayyElements): array ↑ Get the current array from the "Arrayy"-object as list. Parameters: `bool $convertAllArrayyElements Convert all Child-"Arrayy" objects also to arrays. ` Return: array toPermutation(string[...
TheDimensionVariants.hfile contains data definitions and preprocessor conditionals that define constraints established among the symbols during simulation. One of these constraints is that the value of a symbolic dimension must be greater than1. This file also includes the user-provided header file for...
The number of indices used to access an array element must be exactly the same as the rank of the array, that is, the number of dimensions declared for it.Error ID: BC30105To correct this errorAdd subscripts to the array reference until the total number of subscripts equals the rank ...
Determine the size of each dimension in the array. The size of the returned array is 1-by-NumberOfDimensions(). Example mwArray a(2, 2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS); mwArray dims = a.GetDimensions(); bool IsEmpty() const Description Determine if an array is empty. ...
Must be greater than zero. Return: string toList(bool $convertAllArrayyElements): array ↑ Get the current array from the "Arrayy"-object as list. Parameters: `bool $convertAllArrayyElements Convert all Child-"Arrayy" objects also to arrays. ` Return: array toPermutation(string[...