Ruby program to demonstrateinsertmethod =end# array declarationLang = ["C++","Java","Python","Ruby","Perl"] puts"Arrayinsertimplementation."# input the indexputs"Enter the first index where you want toinsert:"ind1 = gets.chomp.to_i# input the elementsputs"Enter the first object which yo...
array_multisort($rSpec,SORT_NUMERIC,$rDecl,$rows); FunctionToWriteReport('CSS Rules by Specificty',$rows); array_multisort($rDecl1,$rProp,$row2); FunctionToWriteReport('Rules by Declaration',$rows); URL: Comments...
[ SELF AS LOCATOR ] [ <method characteristics> ] <overriding method specification> ::= OVERRIDING <partial method specification> <partial method specification> ::= [ INSTANCE | STATIC | CONSTRUCTOR ] METHOD <method name> <SQL parameter declaration list> <returns clause> [ SPECIFIC <speci...
[ INSTANCE | STATIC | CONSTRUCTOR ] METHOD <method name> <SQL parameter declaration list> <returns clause> [ SPECIFIC <specific method name> ] ... Conformance Rules Without Feature T571, "Array-returning external SQL-invoked functions", conforming SQL language shall not contain a <method...