varfirst=fruits.shift();// remove Apple from the front// ["Banana"]; 1. 2. 添加元素到数组的头部 varnewLength=fruits.unshift('Strawberry')// add to the front// ["Strawberry", "Banana"]; 1. 2. 找出某个元素在数组中的索引 fruits.push('Mango');// ["Strawberry", "Banana", "Mango"...
varfirst=fruits.shift();// remove Apple from the front// first: "Apple"; fruits: ["Banana"]; 添加元素到数组的头部 varnewLength=fruits.unshift('Strawberry')// add to the front// ["Strawberry", "Banana"]; 找出某个元素在数组中的索引 fruits.push('Mango');// ["Strawberry", "Banana",...
6、删除数组头部元素 let first = fruits.shift()//remove Apple from the front//["Banana"] 7、添加元素到数组的头部 let newLength = fruits.unshift('Strawberry')//add to the front//["Strawberry", "Banana"] 8、找出某个元素在数组中的索引 fruits.push('Mango')//["Strawberry", "Banana", "...
6、删除数组头部元素 let first = fruits.shift()//remove Apple from the front//["Banana"] 1. 2. 7、添加元素到数组的头部 let newLength = fruits.unshift('Strawberry')//add to the front//["Strawberry", "Banana"] 1. 2. 8、找出某个元素在数组中的索引 fruits.push('Mango')//["Strawberry...
varfirst = fruits.shift();// remove Apple from the front// ["Banana"]; 添加元素到数组头部: varnewLength = fruits.unshift("Strawberry")// add to the front// ["Strawberry", "Banana"]; 查找元素的索引号: fruits.push("Mango");//["Strawberry","Banana","Mango"] ...
Add an item to the beginning of an Array letnewLength=fruits.unshift('Strawberry')// add to the front// ["Strawberry", "Banana"] Copy to Clipboard Find the index of an item in the Array fruits.push('Mango')// ["Strawberry", "Banana", "Mango"]letpos=fruits.indexOf('Banana')// ...
Array.toString()和Array.toLocaleString();//返回由数组元素组成并由“,”分隔的字符串(不常用);两种方法的区别在于 toLocaleString() 会转变为本地环境字符串(如Date.toLocalString() 会转化为当地时间格式的字符串),toString() 则转为传统字符串; Array 的这两种方法用法无区别; ...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
//Add element to front of array var numbers = ["2", "3", "4", "5"]; numbers.unshift("1"); ...
array.shift - Remove the first element from the array. array.sort - Sort the elements of the array. array.splice - Add or remove elements from the array. array.unshift - Add one or more elements to the front of the array.There are also access methods that return some representation of ...