Hi, this comes from my post on Stackoverflow, Hadley asked me to file an issue here. When using dplyr function group_by() and immediately afterwards arrange(), I would expect to get an output where data frame is ordered within groups tha...
The arrange command doesn't sort values within each group any more. But without arrange, my result is still the same as his: Source: local data frame [1,108 x 19] Groups: month, day [365] year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time arr_delay carrier ...
The use case I had in mind is examining gene sets where I want to examine the sets in random order but have the genes within each set in sorted order. Usingrandomly <- function(x) sample(xtfrm(x))doesn't work: > data_frame(a=1:3, b=1:2) %>% arrange(randomly(a), b) a b...