undo arp validate命令用来在接口下去使能ARP报文内MAC地址一致性检查功能。 缺省情况下,设备不对以太网数据帧首部中的源/目的MAC地址和ARP报文数据区中的源/目的MAC地址进行一致性检查。 命令格式 arp validate{source-mac|destination-mac}* undo arp validate{source-mac|destination-mac}* 参数说明 视图 Ethernet接...
除了可以全局使能设备收到ARP报文时对源MAC地址进行一致性检查功能之外,用户也可以在接口视图下执行arp validate命令使能指定接口收到ARP报文时对源/目的MAC地址进行一致性检查。两者功能的实现是相互叠加的,即如果用户在全局和接口下分别配置arp validate source-mac命令和arp validatedestination-mac命令,设备的指定接口会...
arp source-mac命令用来开启源MAC地址固定的ARP攻击检测功能,并选择检查模式。 undo arp source-mac命令用来关闭源MAC地址固定的ARP攻击检测功能。 【命令】 arp source-mac { filter | monitor } undo arp source-mac [ filter | monitor ] 【缺省情况】 源MAC地址固定的ARP攻击检测功能处于关闭状态。 【视图】...
[Sysname] arp source-suppression enable
1.5.4 arp detection validate 1.5.5 arp restricted-forwarding enable 1.5.6 display arp detection 1.5.7 display arp detection statistics 1.5.8 reset arp detection statistics 1.6 ARP网关保护配置命令 1.6.1 arp filter source 1.7 ARP过滤保护配置命令 ...
Step 2ip arp inspection validate {[src-mac] [dst-mac] [ip]} Perform a specific check on incoming ARP packets. By default, no checks are performed. The keywords have these meanings: Forsrc-mac, check the source MAC address in the Ethernet header against t...
DAI determines the validity of an ARP packet based on valid MAC address to IP address bindings stored in a trusted database. This database is built at runtime by DHCP snooping, provided that it is enabled on the VLANs and on the switch in question. In addition, DAI can also validate ...
DAI inspects Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets on the LAN and uses the information in the DHCP snooping table on the switch to validate ARP packets. DAI performs validation by intercepting each ARP packet and comparing its MAC and IP address information against the MAC-IP bindings contain...
3. The device attempts to validate the IP address by sending out "ARP who has" for the IP address offered by the DHCP server. This is the standard gratuitous ARP request to ensure that there is no device with the same IP address; no reply is expected. ...
执行命令arp validate{source-mac|destination-mac}*,使能ARP报文内MAC地址一致性检查功能,即设备对以太网数据帧首部中的源/目的MAC地址和ARP报文数据区中的源/目的MAC地址进行一致性检查的功能。 缺省情况下,设备不对以太网数据帧首部中的源/目的MAC地址和ARP报文数据区中的源/目的MAC地址进行一致性检查。