arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable命令用来启动VLAN间的Proxy ARP功能。 undo arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable命令用来关闭VLAN间的Proxy ARP功能。 缺省情况下,VLAN间Proxy ARP功能处于关闭状态。 命令格式 arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable ...
取消由路由带来的ARP请求。ARP代理有三种:路由式Proxy ARP、VLAN内Proxy ARP、VLAN间Proxy ARP,这三种代理的配置命令分别是arp-proxy enable、arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable、arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable。每种代理功能在相应的场景下才生效。
arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable undo arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable Parameters None Views VLANIF interface view Default Level 2: Configuration level Usage Guidelines To allow users in different VLANs to communicate at Layer 3, you must enable inter-VLAN proxy ARP on the inter...
Inter VLAN Communication through ProxyARP Hi There ,We all know that inter Vlan communication is possible using below two option.1.Creating a sub interface through a added Router between two switches..(Router on a Stick)2.Adding a Layer 3 Switch between two switches and adding "ip routing"....
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取消由路由带来的ARP请求。ARP代理有三种:路由式Proxy ARP、VLAN内Proxy ARP、VLAN间Proxy ARP,这三种代理的配置命令分别是arp-proxy enable、arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable、arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable。每种代理功能在相应的场景下才生效。
在interface vlan下敲no ip proxy-arp的意思是取消由路由带来的ARP请求。ARP代理有三种:路由式Proxy ARP、VLAN内Proxy ARP、VLAN间Proxy ARP,这三种代理的配置命令分别是arp-proxy enable、arp-proxy inner-sub-vlan-proxy enable、arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable。每种代理功能在相应的场景下...
Enable inter-VLAN proxy ARP on VLANIF4. [Router-Vlanif4] arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable [Router-Vlanif4] quit Verify the configuration. # Run the display current-configuration command to check configurations of the super-VLAN, sub-VLANs, and VLANIF interface. The output of the com...
# sysname Switch # vlan batch 2 to 4 # vlan 4 aggregate-vlan access-vlan 2 to 3 # interface Vlanif4 ip address arp-proxy inter-sub-vlan-proxy enable # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 port link-type access port default vlan 2 # interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 ...