After readingAround the World in 80 Days Ifinished reading the bookAround the World in 80 Daysin the summer vacation, which is really inspiring.Iwill write something about the author, the content of the book and my own feelings one by one in the following. The author of the book isJules...
Around the World in 80 Days(八十天环游地球) Jules Verne 著 《八十天环游地球》在全世界50多个国家销售上亿册,更曾经5次搬上大银幕,获得5项奥斯卡大奖,是一部开创环球冒险时代的伟大故事:凡事冷静精确的英国绅士福格,为赢得一场“八十天环游地球”的赌局,带着莽撞好奇的法国仆人路路通展开了环球旅行。他们...
八十天环游地球 Around the world in eighty days 作者:儒勒·加布里埃尔·凡尔纳 (Jules Gabriel Verne) [法国] 英国绅士福克与朋友打赌两万英镑,要在80天内环游地球一周回到伦敦。但他不幸被误当作偷窃英格兰银行的大盗,被苏格兰场通缉、追捕。随后他和仆人路路通克服了路途中的重重艰难险阻,在环绕地球一圈并回到伦...
He made his four hearty meals every day, regardless of the most persistent rolling and pitching on the part of the steamer; and he played whist indefatigably, for he had found partners as enthusiastic in the game as himself. A tax-collector, on...
Around the World in Eighty Days (French: Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours) is a classic adventure novel by the French writer Jules Verne, first published in 1873. 小说起因于英国绅士福格与朋友打的一个赌:要在80天...
1、Book Report of Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne, the author of Around the World in Eighty Days, was born in Nantes, France, in 1828. He had an innate love for the sea and for travel and adventure when he was only a boy. Later, he devoted his life into literature ...
around the world in 80days 《80天环游地球》是法国小说家儒勒·凡尔纳的作品。主要讲述了:1872年,斐利亚·福克先生Phileas Fogg在伦敦改良俱乐部和会友们打赌,要在八十天内环游地球一周。在当时的情况下,这确实是一件很难办到的事,因为旅客一定要把时间掌握得非常准确,也就是说一下火车就要上轮船,一下轮船...
The around the world in 80 days, the contents of the book summed up easily, it is like telling the protagonist, as a main topic in 80 days around the world with what we see and hear adventure happy circumstance. I should be grateful if you would have little essay www.cn zww . ...