a Japanese board game for two in which black and white stones are placed on intersecting lines in such a way as to capture the opponent's stones and thereby control the board. Also called I-go. [1885–90; < Japanese] Go Gothic. G.O. or g.o., 1. general office. 2. general...
华丽的金色反光镜,在光滑的黑色背景上展示(ornate-golden-mirror-displayed-against-a-sleek-black-background-showcasing-intricate) 幸福是奋斗出来 5个月前 破碎的心剪贴画四颗破碎的红色心被分离在白色载体上(broken-hearts-clipart-four-broken-broken-red-hearts-isolated-on-white-vector) 幸福是奋斗出来 ...
a Japanese board game for two in which black and white stones are placed on intersecting lines in such a way as to capture the opponent's stones and thereby control the board. Also called I-go. [1885–90; < Japanese] Go Gothic. G.O. or g.o., 1. general office. 2. general...
a Japanese board game for two in which black and white stones are placed on intersecting lines in such a way as to capture the opponent's stones and thereby control the board. Also called I-go. [1885–90; < Japanese] Go Gothic. G.O. or g.o., 1. general office. 2. general...