HERE is a real beauty insider's gift for all our readers to enjoy -- a fabulous Aromatherapy Associates Rose Body Cream worth [pounds sterling]28. Enriched with pure essential oils and blended with damask rose water, this all-natural body cream is wonderful for dry skin. Luxuriously rich ...
two drops of rose water were poured on gas and placed next to the babies’ heads. The control group was treated in the same way except that distilled water was employed. The ALS scale was used to assess the sleep status.
Renew Rose body cream 主要成分:大马士革玫瑰;月见草油;乳木果 产品特性:体验皮肤的深度滋润。玫瑰,月见草和乳木果天然提取带来奢华享受。必需脂肪酸帮助健康的皮肤细胞生成 有效缓解皮肤干燥,对皮肤零刺激 使皮肤柔软又弹性 怀孕期适用 使用方法:沐浴后涂抹于全身。同时使用皮肤凝胶和身体按摩精油效果更好。创始...