We usually had some kind of wheat bread around rather than white–not a full, whole-grain wheat usually, but a honey wheat or something brownish like that. Also, I liked my bread toasted. Childhood Arnold Palmer on toasted honey wheat This one hit the nostalgia out of the park. Funny ...
Sanjaya. When he beheld the host of Pandavas, Raja Duryodhana to Drona drew, And spake these words: "Ah, Guru! see this line, How vast it is of Pandu fighting-men, Embattled by the son of Drupada, Thy scholar in the war! Therein stand ranked Chiefs like Arjuna, like to Bhima ch...
Some bread and cheese had been laid for him on a napkin, and there was a gleam of red in the grate. Edwin turned up the gas, and Darius blinked. His coarse cheeks were all wet. “Better have your overcoat off, hadn’t you?” Darius shook his head. “Well, will you eat ...