Similar fluctuating temperature effects, namely increasing rates of development, have been observed in other studies [45]. There was little to no effect at near-optimal temperatures (27 °C). Linear degree–day models are meant to apply well to the intermediate temperature range in which our ...
Water intake was assessed by weighing bottles before, during and after the march. The mean relative humidity was 55.7%(21.9–94.3%) and the mean dry bulb temperature was 27.1°C(19.5°C-37.0°C) during the exercise.Results: Twenty-five soldiers(72±10 ...
fields on the order of 1,000,000 gauss are needed to influence the particles within an atom .12 The device tested at CERL had a magnetic field strength of only 7200 gauss and is typical of the field strength used by similar devices.) Their field test evaluated corrosion rates over 4 ...
and mobility, but limited range, according to the observations of commanders, crews, maintenance personnel, and Army after action reports. Reported Army readiness rates for the Abrams were 90 percent or higher during the ground war-indicating a high availability to move, shoot, and communicate duri...
Generally, shorter developmental times and higher reproduction rates on a particular plant species indicate a higher suitability for that plant [44,45,46]. In other words, FAWs exhibited greater adaptability to maize as a host compared to rice which showed the least adaptability. The prolonged ...
terms of water tolerance, filterability, air release, and efficiency. Table 1.History of MIL-2104 Lubricants. In a typical fluid power system, the mechanical energy of an electric motor or internal combustion engine is transferred to the fluid medium by a positive displacement pump and the ...