These manuals explain how MOS codes were assigned and includes descriptions of the duties and responsibilities by job type. Listed below in numeric order are the MOS Code job titles for bothenlisted menandofficers: ENLISTED MOS CODES MOS # Description 1 Photographer 2 Weapons Mechanic 3 Photographic...
91M Bradley Fighting Vehicle System Maintainer 91P Artillery Mechanic 91S Stryker Systems Maintainer (CMF 92) Supply The Army's Quartermaster Branch studies and utilizes modern business methods to ensure the efficient and effective support of soldiers and worldwide Army operations. Skills learned throug...
WHEELEDVEHICLEELECTRICALSYSTEMS (PARTI) SUBCOURSENO.OD1002 USArmyOrdnanceCenterandSchool AberdeenProvingGround,Maryland FiveCreditHours GENERAL TheWheeledVehicleElectricalSystem(PartI)Subcourse,partoftheLightWheelVehicle MechanicMOS63BSkillLevel3course,isdesignedtoteachtheknowledgenecessaryfor ...
The Wheeled Vehicle Drive Lines, Axles, and Suspension Systems subcourse, part of the Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic MOS 63B Skill Level 3 course, is designed to teach the knowledge necessary to develop the skills for servicing and maintaining drive lines, axles, and suspension systems. Information...
MOS 91B Wheeled Vehicle Repairer. To sit for the test to become an ASE (National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence) Certified Automotive Technician, two years of tech school plus two years of experience is required. An Army 91B who has completed the 13 week AIT and has two years ...
a female human resources soldier can attend Airborne school alongside a male wheeled vehicle mechanic. Although these soldiers may be unlikely to use Airborne training when they return to their home units, they are welcome to take the course. The Army's other specialty ASI schools are Air Assaul...
Similar Civilian Occupations to MOS 25S Although much of the work you'll do in this job is specific to the Army, you'll be well-trained for several civilian occupations, including repairing electronics for commercial and industrial equipment,radio mechanic, and repairing and installing telecommunicat...
91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (离职员工) - JBLM, WA - 2025年2月18日 Depends on the unit you get sent to. In 1-94 FAR if you’re junior enlisted you’re garbage and they don’t care about you at all, especially if you’re in the FSC. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告 分享 ...
63B light wheel vehicle mechanic (离职员工) - Lansing, MI - 2019年3月8日 It was slow paced to the point of being boring. Very low standards and bad military bearing. Was very clicky. Advancement was non existent if you weren't friends with commanding officers. 优点 none 缺点 everything ...
Light Wheel Vehicle Mechanic (离职员工) - Babenhusen, Germany - 2019年5月28日 I can not answer too many questions about the Army because it was a long time ago. What I do recall is working hard and exercising five days a week, and was in the best shape during that time. 这篇点评...