Further, until the Seventeenth Amendment of the Constitution (1913), election to the Senate was indirect, by the state legislatures. They are now elected directly by voters of each state. The Senate shares with the House of Representatives responsibility for all lawmaking within the United States...
One of my observations in eight decades of life is that most people are capable of more than they actually do. I have seen many people, both in and out of the military, placed in leadership positions, given the responsibility of people and production and given the authority to act, develop...
Individual responsibility for distributing and replacing Dog Tags in overseas Theaters rested with the S-1, G-1, or A-1 Personnel Sections of the unit requesting Identification Tags. They then contacted the higher authority to obtain the necessary materiel. As indicated and illustrated in our MRC...
[11][10] Fire Army guards under Captain Enaka also assumed responsibility for the safety of the Four Nations Summit & Technological Symposium.[12] Around 37 BG, the Fire Army successfully attacked and occupied a region of the western Earth Kingdom on the order of Fire Lord Sozin. The ...
Author Contributions: Dr Dempsey had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Dempsey, Benedek, Kessler, Ursano. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Benedek, Zuro...
In addition, being a member of the army will give you a separate responsibility. So you are the army commander. As the commander of the army, you can immediately start destroying the enemy army soldier in the warzone. Military base is an area that belongs only to you. Here you are the...
Responsibility is being accountable for what we do or fail to do. Read More Af Core Values1573 Words | 7 Pages Air Force Core Values “The foundation is integrity, fortified by a commitment to the service of our country, and fueled by a drive in excellence in all that we do. The Air...
The Buffer Zone or Green Line is a surreal place and it is our responsibility to keep it as it is, maintain the status quo. But how do you tell people at home about this place, the insanity of conflict and a long running distrust between two communities that ended in bloodshed? The an...
decision to designatean army“general”of south Korea, which is neither party to the Armistice Agreement nor a member of the “United Nations Command”, as the senior member of the “United Nations Command” side to “MAC”andeluded its responsibility ...
a grant of immediate independence to the islands would be premature and urged the U.S. government not to be left in a position of responsibility without authority. Wood was then appointed governor-general of thePhilippines, a post he held until forced to resign by a terminal illness in 1927...