Socks, boots, hand grenades, tanks, helicopters, rifles, bolts, nuts and bacon. It has to be requested, stored, issued, and much of it returned. The volume and the value of all that “stuff” is mind boggling. Staff Sergeant Adrian Santamaria, Supply Sergeant for Headquarters Company, 1st...
Lewis the NVA started using tanks and we didn't have anything that could stop them short of destroying an entire village. The TOW Team deployed overnight to Vietnam in March of 1972. We accompanied our aircraft (UH-1Bs with XM-26 Weapons Systems) on a C-141 to Saigon, RVN. After...
The moment we stopped we were ordered not to get off the tanks in case there were anti-personnel mines. We soon got over that and we were off the tanks discovering a bit more about our new home. This seemed to be it. The war was over. President Bush was on the radio calling an e...
facility. As a prime contractor, ATK specializes in developing innovative, advanced weapon systems that provide affordable precision and effectiveness for artillery, mortars, tanks, naval gun systems, and tactical aircraft. ATK is a premier aerospace and defense company with more than 18,000 employees...
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - Ratel, Wheeled armoured personnel carrier, Armoured Vehicles