A Noncommissioned Officer’s duties are numerous and must be taken seriously. An NCO’s duty includes taking care of soldiers‚ which is your priority. Leaders must know and understand their soldiers well enough to train them as individuals and teams to operate proficiently. This will give the...
These must include a series of phrases, starting with verbs/action words and separated by semicolons and ending in a period. This block should address the most important routine duties and responsibilities. Ideally, this should include the number of people supervised, equipment, facilities, and do...
A Military Occupation Specialty Code (MOS) is a numeric code used to identify a specific Army job comprised of one or more related duties and responsibilities normally requiring special knowledge and skills acquired through training and experience. View or downloanWar Department Technical Manual TM 12...
Each U.S.Army battalion and brigadehas a military staff. This staff is comprised of officers who are responsible for a unique functional area (intelligence, supply, personnel administration, etc.) that is necessary for the unit to complete its mission. These officers answer directly to the execu...
Everyone in the Army is part of a team, and all team members have responsibilities inherent in belonging to that team. FM 6-22 addresses the following topics necessary to become a competent, multiskilled Army leader: • Understand the Army definitions of leader and leadership. • Learn how...
Officers and sergeant major responsibilities were transferred to the Finns. Pending return to their own country, the Finnish Jaegers were given further training by the Germans. Each man was given NCO training as well as a special course on destruction, sabotage and guerrilla training. Light ...
In order to be effective, Army brigades and battalions have to be properly equipped and in good condition. It is the job of the S4 officer on the brigade or battalion staff to ensure that unit soldiers have the supplies they need and that malfunctioning