During my time in the Army, I was in many different companies, infantry rifle companies, battalion headquarters companies, a division headquarters company, personnel company, signal company, Army headquarters company, Special Forces training Group company, Special Forces company, and basic training compa...
Military trainingPeriodicalsRegiment level organizationsThis journal publication is the voice of the Signal Regiment and deals with a variety of topics pertaining to the Army Signal Center of Excellence in Ft. Gordon, GA.*COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS...
IV Corps 1965-1966 Can Tho, 52nd Signal BN Duncan, Michael E. -CM ARMY Vietnam Veteran 1968-1968 Vietnam Dussan, Francisco J. ARMY IRAQ WAT Veteran 2006-2010 FT Carson, SF 7th Group. LM 069 Dutton, David A. ARMY Vietnam Veteran IV Corps 1969-1970 128th AV Co. 11th Av. BT...
Flew Allied troops and materiel to the front, transporting gasoline, oil, vehicles, engineering and signal equipment, and other items that the group either landed or dropped in Burma. Also evacuated wounded personnel to India. Moved to Burma in Jun 1945. Hauled gasoline and other supplies to ...
We keep our overhead low and you benefit from the savings. Shop with us for: Motorcycle & automotive parts and accessories, goggles & eyewear, SMD LED strip light, power supplies, sunglasses & reading glasses, outdoor & indoor products, sports items, general merchandise and more…And we ...
Signal Corps Museum 艾森豪威尔堡 游览完戈登堡之后,找机会去体验戈登堡的其他景点和活动。您可以寻访这里的高尔夫球场和保龄球馆。 艾森豪威尔堡 Wedges and Woods 奥古斯塔之旅期间,留点时间前往Wedges and Woods。在这适合家庭游客的地区,别忘了寻访商店和高级餐厅。