“greatest medical holocaust in history” as it may have killed as many people as the Black Death. TheSpanish flu, closely following the huge losses of World War I, was to a large degree spread in the close quarters of army camps and by themass movementof troops, with a high percentage ...
PWOP (Pregnant WithOut Permission). To discourage pregnancy, the Army had a cumbersome process to gain approval for marriage. In further precautions, the Army discouraged drinking, encouraged the women to socialize in groups, and took care with the location of nurses’ quarters. The...
Of the million white slaves in the Middle East, some would have been the ancestors of these soldiers, some would have ancestors who slaved in the mines, others impressed in the navy for seven years, and many more who scurried up and down stairs as over-worked and underpaid servants. Most ...
quarters, forage, and baking; upgrading the Army’s transportation had the most immediate impact. The Quartermaster General remained directly responsible for the support of the Main Army; he had several assistants and a deputy for each division. Parallel...
Only in close quarters was he forced to independent action that was directed by the instinct of self preservation: to kill or get killed. Now, however, as most soldiers in a combat situation were out of reach of platoon and company commanders, the squad leaders had to take charge. Even ...