Warrant Officer (WO) selectees will receive instructions from Warrant Officer Accessions, Total Army Personnel Command (TAPERSCOM) 90 days after selection and will report back to an Army Recruiter with those instructions. The recruiter will complete the DD Form 1966 (enlistment contract) and SF 86...
The Army can be an amazing experience, and some people consider it to be one of the best experiences of their lives. However, there's no need to go rushing in without some extra knowledge; despite its good points, there are awful aspects of the Army that
In the 13th Airborne Division (which never saw combat) the 88th Glider Infantry was disbanded to provide replacements for the airborne forces in Europe and to form a 3rd Battalion for its 326th Glider Infantry. In the 17th Airborne Division the 193rd Glider Infantry was disbanded 1 March ...
To form an armymorefittingto the new status of the Muslims, the state estab-lished thedīwāninʿUmar’stime. Thisensuredthatsoldiers had an income to sustainthem so they could afford to serveasfull-time, professional soldiers. Moreover,through the ban on holding lands, the caliphal court...