I served in the Regular Army until 1998 when I left for Civvy Street. I joined the Army Reserves as I left the Regular Army and have served as a Reservist ever since. A couple of memories from the Gulf War have, perhaps, stuck out more than others over the last 25 years, probably b...
1.The system by which a country raises, classifies, arranges, and equips its armed land forces. The usual divisions are: (1) Aregularoractive army, in which soldiers serve continuously with the colors and live in barracks or cantonments when not in the field; (2) thereservesof this army...
Army Cricket Ground Fleet Road, Aldershot, GU11 2ET ACA GDPR POLICY The Army Cricket Association (ACA) serves as the governing body for cricket within the Army and has two principal, equally-important, purposes. First, to provide the Army’s best cricketers with the opportunity to achieve suc...
Under the command of General Jingwei, the Chinese Army usurped control of Alaska's oil pipeline and reserves. In response, the Americans began what came to be called "The Alaskan Reclamation Operation" (2067—2077).Under the leadership of General Constantine Chase, the U.S. Army battled ...
Define Territorial Army. Territorial Army synonyms, Territorial Army pronunciation, Territorial Army translation, English dictionary definition of Territorial Army. n a standing reserve army originally organized between 1907 and 1908. Full name: Territor
The Army plans to buy nearly 3,000 AMPVs for the active-duty Army, Army Reserves, and Army National Guard. They will comprise about 30 percent of an overall tracked vehicle fleet that includes Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and Paladin self-propelled howitzers. Whenever you see a ...
Testimony has also to be furnished, or is sought by the authority concerned, with regard to the candidate's moral and general character, and the Secretary of State in each service reserves the right to refuse permission to compete to any candidate. As the prospect of a medical officer in ...
Unlike the other reserves the Long Term Reserve do not serve under a contract of any sort, instead they retain a "statutory liability for service" and may be recalled to service under Section 52 of the Reserve Forces Act (RFA) 1996 (until the age of 55).[70] In 2007 there were 121,...
In addition, as an Arms and Service Directorate, it is also responsible for sustaining the military capability of SPS Branch personnel (Regular and Reserves) across all the DLoDs (Defence Lines of Development). 3.13 Chief of Staff Personnel and ...
While U.S. oil output has surged in the past 15 years to surpass rivals like Saudi Arabia and Russia because of the advent of fracking, countries like Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Canada are among those that are all believed to hold larger untapped oil reserves. The...