I had the privilege and honor to represent the Association at the U.S. Southern Command Change of Command and retirement ceremony for GEN Laura Richardson and induct her into the Gold Order of Saint Michael in recognition of her incredible accomplishments, service, and support to our Army, Join...
mustache NTC Office Space Oral Health Patch Ceremony Post-mortem Prevention Preventive Resin Restoration PRR PTSD public affairs quality control R&R Reasons to get out of the Army Satire Sealants suicide bomber Thanksgiving in Afghanistan The Box TO&E trauma triage UK wiping your ass with your ...
The induction ceremony is held twice every year. According to the local newspaper, The Fayetteville Observer, General Gilliam said he always looks forward to the ceremony, and particularly the reading of the inductees’ biographies, “because they talk about the valor, and the jobs, and the tre...
there was still only a slim reserve of combat units in the United States. Four more National Guard divisions were being brought into federal service to build up the General Reserve, but not with commitment in Korea in mind. The main concern in Washington was the possibility that the Chinese ...
On June 19, 2012, Thomas Boyle found himself at the Joint Base Provincial Reserve in Kandahar, Afghanistan, attached to the Army’s 303rd 8-1 CAV from Jackson, Michigan. Thomas was activated with twenty-five other reservists, and since he was one of the few civilian contractors, it’s li...
ACLC change of command The Aviation Center Logistics Command will host a change of command ceremony July 1 at 1 p.m. in the U.S. Army Aviation Museum. Col. Kenneth J. Kliethemes will assume command from Col. Michael C. Aid. Aid's retirement ceremony will ...
I had the privilege and honor to represent the Association at the U.S. Southern Command Change of Command and retirement ceremony for GEN Laura Richardson and induct her into the Gold Order of Saint Michael in recognition of her incredible accomplishments, service, and support to our Army, Join...
Under Secretary of the Army R. L. Brownlee Retirement CeremonyRemarks as Delivered by Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, Fort Myer, Virginia, Monday,...Rumsfeld, Donald HUs Department of Defense Speeches