Furthermore, additional research is necessary on the role of mentorship, retaining qualified officers, and strategies for career progression in the Army. This study may act as a guide for women aspiring to become officers and assist junior officers on strategies needed for advancements in the Army...
The HADS provides an opportunity to examine STB risk using data that the Army routinely collects on all soldiers. Analysis of Army/DoD administrative data on all 569 suicides during 2004–2009 and a 1:400 equal-probability control sample of all other person-months demonstrated that the Regular ...
Cory, B. H., Medland, F. F., & Uhlaner, J. E. Developing a research-based system for manpower management and career progression in the U.S. Army Officer Corps. Paper presented at the Conference on Manpower Planning and Organizational Design, Stresa, Italy, June 1977....