1st Lieutenant Alfred Nelson leads B Company, 1st Ranger Battalion on a training road march near Achnacarry, Scotland, July 1942. Road marches were a staple of Ranger training. Note the World War I–style helmets and “combat” overalls which were meant to be the field uniform for infantryme...
Join SOFREP Team Room for Insider Access and Analysis Your Subscription Supports our Veteran Staff SUBSCRIBE NOW VETERAN-FRIENDLY COMPANIES Barrett Firearms Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. Barrett products are used by civilians, sport ...
2.militia- the entire body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service; "their troops were untrained militia"; "Congress shall have power to provide for calling forth the militia"--United States Constitution body- a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupatio...
↑ Desert Ranger combat armor markings. ↑ See combat armor for details and sources. ↑ The prevalence of the H&K G11 and G11E, the light support weapon, the P90c, marksman and assault carbines. ↑ How the Strike team sentry bot was utilized in the Anchorage Reclamation simulation. ↑ ...
By the time any of us realized there were civilians down there - women and children - the shooting had already started. The major froze up at the news, and we couldn't get another word out of him. I took over and salvaged the situation as best I could. For my effort, I was ...
The Army has to mass enough ammunition for both combat and training requirements before fielding the NGSW, which will require boosting production of the new 6.8mm round by Sig Sauer and the Lake City Ammunition Plant in Missouri. That facility made ammunition for all three competitors during the...
For instance, the SAWs we had in Ranger School were a nightmare to keep operational. Still, when properly maintained, the SAW works like a charm and is an important force multiplier in a fire fight. In Special Forces, the SAW is usually left in the Humvee as a contingency weapon, while...
The 135 men of Charlie Company, part of the Army's elite Ranger regiment, have to learn how to handle more than fire fights to prepare for the chaotic battlefields of the future--where civilians will be hard to tell from combatants and the booby traps may include TV cameras. A NEWSWEEK...
Self, the former 75th Ranger Regiment officer who had his weapon jam in Afghanistan, told Army Times that his unit routinely kept its M4s covered in a tent to protect them from dust and sand. “I think it’s the sand” in Afghanistan, he said. “It’s a big problem.” ...
Begin as any other recruit, in basic training, then move to through Airborne and Sniper School on the way to becoming an Army Ranger. The Soldiers portion of America's Army is designed to demonstrate the challenge, pleasure, and honor of life as a soldier. The Operations mode of play is...