April warOn hte basis of the experiences of the Serbian Army form the Balkan and First Wolrd War, The Yugoslav Generalstaff in 1940 decided to create special Chetnik" units for the guerrila warfare. Knowing its Army inadequacy to match techincally superrior opponents, ...
US Army: Bergdahl venturing out in publicBy JUAN A. LOZANO
Finding Our Next Army; Time to Reconsider the Incentives, the Mission and the StandardsCharles A. Krohn
1991年9月至1993年3月间,我院经CT扫描诊断腰骶椎间盘突出171例,其中26例手术,现总结报道如下: 1 临床资料 171例中男性103例(60.20%),女性68例(39.8%),病人年龄为17~71岁,平均41.7岁;主要临床症状为腰痛159例(171例的93%)及不同程度放射性腿痛122例(占1.3%),行走困难或跛行45例(26.3%),21例(12.3%)...