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[Photo] US Army Air Force student pilot in a T-6 Texan trainer practicing an attack on a B-34 bomber, circa 1942-1943 | World War II Database
She rescued slaves condemned to death for trivial mis-demeanours, and saved the lives of many women from being killed for irrational reasons, stopped the practice of finding someone to blame when someone died and taking their life too, put a stop to all the chief’s wives and servants being...
He had served as an exchange officer in the United States and was intellectual and a modern soldier. He viewed war as a science, won by “superior tactics adjusted to terrain, weapons and troops…not Banzai charges.”[xvii] He was “widely recognized as an expert in his field,”[xviii]...
The enlisted and officer careers have a significant impact on the training and experience of a new recruit. If you are enlisted, you are required to have a high school diploma, while an officer position requires a four-year degree or equivalent. ...
In the south against the 4th Rumanian Army and weak elements of the 4th Panzer Army, another force of over 160,000 men including 430 tanks were deployed.[xc] Despite warnings from his Intelligence Officer, Von Paulus did not expect a deep offensive into his flanks and rear and made no pla...
s victory in World War II. It began with this reminder to the newly commissioned officer: “[O]n becoming an officer a man does not renounce any part of his fundamental character as an American citizen. He has simply signed on for the post-graduate course where one learns how to ...
President Donald Trump used his appearance at the annual Army-Navy football game to pitch to the players an administration policy change that clears the way for athletes at the nation's military academies to play professional sports after they graduate a
Hojo-taii stood beside the teal haired Starship Operator's chair, her left hand settled atop its headrest while she monitored the status of their warriors as they returned to the ship. Despite the beating the "Presurgence" itself had taken, the young first off...