The Surgeon General holds the rank of lieutenant general in the Army Medical Corps, is the medical expert on the most senior Army staff at the Pentagon, and is the medical advisor to the Secretary of the Army, the Army Chief of Staff, and other senior executives in the Army structure....
Colonel, the highest field-grade officer, ranking just below the general officer grades in most armies or below brigadier in the British services. A colonel was traditionally the commanding officer of a regiment or brigade. In air forces that use the sam
Reed, however, continued in the Army Reserve until 1991, when he retired with the rank of major. After earning a law degree from Harvard in 1982, Reed entered private practice, eventually joining a firm in Providence, Rhode Island, where he specialized in banking and securities law. In 1984...
John Clifford Hodges Lee was a U.S. Army logistics officer who oversaw the buildup of American troops and supplies in Great Britain in preparation for the Normandy Invasion (1944) during World War II. He was an early and outspoken proponent of racial int
Semyon Mikhaylovich Budenny was a Red Army officer who played a prominent role in the Russian Civil War (1918–20) and later became a marshal of the Soviet Union. Having come from a poor peasant family, Budenny began his military career in the Imperial R
Edward M. Almond was an American army officer who held important command positions during the Korean War. Almond graduated from Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in 1915 and in November 1916 took a commission in the infantry. He was promoted to captain i
William Mitchell was a U.S. Army officer who early advocated a separate U.S. air force and greater preparedness in military aviation. He was court-martialed for his outspoken views and did not live to see the fulfillment during World War II of many of hi
Henry Lee was an American cavalry officer during the American Revolution. He was the father of Robert E. Lee and the author of the resolution passed by Congress upon the death of George Washington containing the celebrated apothegm “first in war, first
Raoul Salan was a French military officer who sought to prevent Algeria from gaining independence from France. In 1961–62 he led an organization of right-wing extremists, the Organisation de l’Armée Secrète (OAS; Secret Army Organization), in a campa
Eric K. Shinseki is a U.S. Army officer who was the first Asian American to achieve the rank of four-star general. He commanded North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) peacekeeping forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1997–98), served as army chief of staff