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PS3 play_circleVideos Gameplayopen_in_newReviewsopen_in_new globe Other regions设定 → login登录以查看其他地区价格 游戏介绍 Pure co-op is back! Army of TWO™ The Devil’s Cartel delivers a fun, over-the-top co-op experience. Activate the new Overkill mode to unleash explosive destruction...
《Army of Two》介绍及杂志扫描图欣赏 《ArmyofTwo》是针对PS3与Xbox360等新一代主机所推出、以‘双人合作’为主题的动作游戏,玩家在游戏中将扮演私人军事企业的佣兵,深入全球各地的激烈战区进行作战,由于一个人不足以担当重任,因此需由两人并肩作战,平息威胁全世界的政治骚动及阴谋。本游戏最大的特色在于双人并肩 ...
英文名称:Army of TWO - The Devil Cartel 游戏类型:第三人称射击TPS 制作厂商:Visceral Games 发行...
《ArmyofTwo》是EA预定2007年于PS3与Xbox360主机上推出的原创战术动作射击游戏,以“双人合作”为主题,玩家在游戏中将扮演私人军事企业的佣兵,深入全球各地的激烈战区进行作战,由于一个人不足以担当重任,因此需由两人并肩作战,平息威胁全世界的**骚动及阴谋。日前,官 ...
战地双雄:魔鬼联盟 Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/射击 平台: PS3/Xbox 360 别名: 无间特攻:非法涉入 / Army of Two 3 开发商: Danger Close Games / EA Vancouver 发行商: Electronic Arts 发行日期: 2013-03-26 想玩在玩玩过...
《战地双雄》(Army OF Two)PAL置/欧版/多国语言版[XBOX360] 《FIFA 街头足球 3》(FI…|基于651个网页 2. 无间特攻 无间特攻(army of two)在本周末(3/1-3/2)有实体试玩活动喔!!加入我们的Facebook粉丝页 分区列表 Microsoft XBOX360 电脑单 …...
User Rating:7.5| Army of TwoPS3 Bycrowman7000| Review Date:March 6, 2008 There are those days where you eagerly run to the nearest game store to purchase the next big shooter with a buddy. This was one of those games. The idea of 2 fighters, almost invincible, doing awesome feats fo...
User Rating:7| Army of TwoPS3 ByQuadrifoglio| Review Date:July 16, 2008 If you're a person that takes great pride in the Iraq war and the people that serve there, stay away from Army of Two. The multiple jabs at the U.S. Army, and actually killing Iraqi suicide bombers is definite...