美国陆军2025年-2040年网路空间与电子战作战概念 The U.S. Army Concept for Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Operations 2025-2040浏览:786 发行时间:2020/9/5 23:12:00收藏举报 文档下载 ¥60.00元 VIP免费下载 账号等级:普通账号 免费下载数量:0个 优惠折扣:无 升级VIP 支付后下载,请选择支付方式: ...
The Army Operating Concept guides future force development through the identification of first order capabilities that the Army must possess to accomplish missions in support of policy goals and objectives.*ARMY
seeking to make itself useful on the nuclear battlefield of Europe, attempted the use of light aircraft and helicopters to shuttle ground troops to and from various quarters of the battlefield; along the lines of the Marine Corps with the Vertical Assault Concept, but which unlike the Army, ...
This spectrum analyzer capability, still in the concept phase, is expected to work through a portable, tablet-like piece of equipment, with sensors at tactical operations centers or mounted on vehicles to allow monitoring on the move, Holland said during a Feb. 16 v...
The AAL concept wasn’t easy to establish, Murray said in his interview with Defense News. “I struggled with it for probably six, seven months. They didn’t get the best guidance from me because I was trying to figure out a niche, what I really ...
Elements of Capability Set 23 will be included in the 2022 iterance of Project Convergence, an Army effort meant to advance the Joint All-Domain Command and Control concept by putting cutting-edge tech to the test and evaluating how well U.S. forces can exchange information with a...
“TotalForceisnolongera‘concept.’ItisnowtheTotalForcePolicywhichintegratestheActive,GuardandReserveForcesintoahomogeneouswhole.” J.R.Schlesinger DepartmentofDefensePolicyandGuidance: “TheGuardandReserveintheTotalForce” September1975 “The‘TotalForce’includesalltheresourcesavailabletoperformthevariousnationalde...
Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation 8c Missile Center is poised to shape its aviation Science and Technology (S&T) resources to deliver the technology and talent vital to success in what will be a new Army Operating Concept. Of the many thrusts across the Army that will be ...
“You get some young hooah soldiers out there that are well-trained in their battle drills and tasks and you give them a concept and capability that enhances their state of training, I think that helps everybody,” Tyler said, adding that those soldiers provide invaluable input when experimenti...
A new way to modernize: Army works to close gap between concept and capability The Army is making revolutionary and fundamental changes in the way it envisions operating against adversaries in the future. ByJen Judson And the AFC has tasked the RCCTO to be, quite literally, laser-...