Like all areas of the military, the Army National Guard (ANG) needs doctors. I'm sure you've seen the commercials for the Guard before—one weekend a month and two weeks a year. Plus, you get deployed from time to time but are limited to 90 days “boots on ground” (plus 30 days...
mpcheat medic - medic capabilities mpcheat binoculars - aquire binoculars mpcheat nvg - night vision goggles mpcheat changeclass * - get waepon replace * with one of the following weapon codes spr mos v m9 at4 rpg m4a1auto Prison Goodies ...
Check out your ERB. It's divided into several sections. One of the first things to look for is your weapon qualification score. Your score should reflect the most recent time you went to the range, and it can't be older than two years ago. If you shot 40 out of 40 with your M-1...
The infantry, engineer, supply, human resource, medic, dental assistant, computer specialist soldiers who receive that email from Human Resource Command that says; “Congratulations, you have been selected for a career enhancing assignment – to be a drill sergeant”. I went through Drill Sergeant ...
Pamela Hobley and Patricia Spencer: Michigan Teenagers Vanish on Halloween By Michelle Short6 hours ago Economics A Year in Poverty: January 2025 By kaiyan7176 hours ago Dogs & Dog Breeds Is a Dog's Love for a Newborn Obsession or Protection?
You need to work out which MOS (job) you want before joining, Stick with that, don't be dissuaded by any recruiters! Go in with a solid goal of what you want out of it, i.e. qualifications etc... e.g. you will become an EMT if you enlist as a 68W (combat medic). There ...
(MOS). For example, if an individual has an Army MOS ofHuman Intelligence Collector, they would be sent, following completion of Basic Training, to the Intelligence School at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. If an individual instead had the MOS of Army medic, they would be sent, after Army BCT, ...
After basic, which must be completed before you can continue, you may optionally pursue more advanced training, from airborne school (jump from a 250 ft tower, then a C-17 Globemaster III cargo plane), to medic training (attend lectures, pass a written exam, and perform field triage), to...
We just set up aSoftware Factory. We put out a call for those who would be interested, and three of the people who signed up — one was a medic, another was an automotive mechanic, and another was a baker. That’s what their MOS was, and then we find out they’re actually world...
ORIGlNALARTlCLE ·485· TheInvestigationoftheCorrelationbetweenMetabolic SyndromeandChineseMedicineConstitutionTypesinSenior RetiredMilitaryPersonnelofthePeople。sLiberationArmy FENGYing-lu(封颖璐)’,ZHENGGuo-yin(郑国银),andLINGChang—quan(凌昌全) ABSTRACT Objective:Toinvestigatetheincidenceofmetabolicsyndrome(MS)and...