Despite the ever-present reminder that Defense Department acquisition spending is tight and the...By WilliamsRobert H
The new head of Army Futures Command on Tuesday defined the role of his command in the Army's modernization push as service leaders continue to place emphasis on a modernization strategy that pushes the Army beyond its current modernization programs. Gen. James Rainey, who is just days into ...
1|Army Modernization Strategy Army Modernization Strategy The Army Modernization Strategy (AMS) describes how the Total Army – Regular Army, National Guard, Army Reserve, and Army Civilians – will transform into a multi-domain force by 2035, meet its
Army modernization strategy. It says a key current threat is a radical, ideology-based, long-term terrorist threat which tends to include the mass weapon of destruction to achieve its political and ideological ob...
Army's latest modernization plan, which was just released.rnAmong the more intriguing near-term initiatives outlined in the plan is a cloud computing project in Afghanistan. During this fiscal year, the Army will begin building what it describes as a "tactical cloud computing architecture" there....
7. U.S. Army tactical wheeled vehicles modernization strategy an optimization model [O] . Goh Choo Seng Roy 2007 机译:美军战术轮式车辆现代化战略优化模型 8. Understanding Chinese Military Strategic Thinking: The Message from the People's Liberation Army's Modernization and Weapons Acquisition ...
(UK), 2021-9-16 :Washington keeps scolding Taipei over its supposed lack of preparation against an ever mightier Beijing, Taiwan is failing to reorient its military towards an asymmetric strategy, US defence experts are growing exasperated over the Taiwan military’s reluctance to decisively act ...
The U.S. Army’s ambitious first Project Convergence, an exercise that measured the progress of the service’s modernization strategy within its future operational concept, concluded last month, but the service already has a sense of what it wants to accomplish in 2021. The series of exercises...
The capability set venture kicked off in fiscal 2021, with additional milestones in 2023, 2025, 2027 and beyond. The stepwise approach, featuring a mix of commercial, off-the-shelf tech and specialized military tools, was often likened to Apple’s iPhone strategy: newer...
Brig. Gen. Wally Rugen, who is in charge of the service’s FVL modernization efforts, said last week that because of the data collected through the JMR-TD process as well as additional studies and modeling, the service now thinks it has enough information to move more quickly...