Despite the ever-present reminder that Defense Department acquisition spending is tight and the...By WilliamsRobert H
3. Army To Detail Modernization Strategy Updates, Planning Release Of MDO Doctrine In Summer 2022 [J] . Matthew Beinart Defense Daily . 2021,第Mara16期 机译:陆军详述现代化战略更新,夏季MDO教义的规划释放2022 4. Modernizing the U.S. Army's Live Training Product Line using a Cloud Migrati...
What were the characteristics of the Imperial Japanese Army’s military strategy? The Imperial Japanese Army was known for its emphasis on rapid mobilization, aggressive offensive tactics, and a focus on infantry. The concept of “Bushido,” or the way of the warrior, influenced their code of ...
“We thought this was important to do this now, and issue this policy now, because of how critical software is to the fight right now,” Margaret Boatner, the deputy assistant secretary of the Army for strategy and acquisition reform, told reporters at the Pentagon. “...
China’s nuclear strategy and force modernization efforts have been aimed primarily at deterring and countering the United States.81 The 2013 Science of Military Strategy portrays the United States as seeking to undermine the PRC’s nuclear deterrent and counterattack capabilities with ...
Army develops new modernization strategy after scaling back FCS.(Future Combat Systems program)Brewin, Bob
Army considers new modernization strategy. (plan may delay fielding of next generation tanks and other combat systems for 15 to 20 years)Caires, Greg
Army's latest modernization plan, which was just released.rnAmong the more intriguing near-term initiatives outlined in the plan is a cloud computing project in Afghanistan. During this fiscal year, the Army will begin building what it describes as a "tactical cloud computing architecture" there....
The article focuses on the use of Capability Set 13, the first package of radios, satellite systems, and other network components which offer integrated connectivity from the static tactical operations center to the commander, by the U.S. Army in 2013. It states that the set is part of the...
US Army modernization strategy.Norris, Mark