Army MOS List MOSNameRank 00B Diver Enlisted 00E Recruiter Enlisted 00H Enlisted Aide Enlisted 00R Recruiter/Retention NCO Enlisted 00Z Command Sergeant Major Nominative Enlisted 01A Officer Generalist Officer 01B Electrical-Electronic Engineering Assistant Enlisted 01B Aviation/Infantry/Armor/Military ...
G.I. Photo Registry | Registry Applications | Military/Veteran Websites U.S. ArmyMilitary Occupational Specialties Vietnam War Era Permission granted to link this site to your Webpage 000 ENCODING NCO ESCORT GENERAL MILITARY DUTY 00B BASIC...
In order to choose acareer path in the U.S. Army, you'll need to understand what Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) and Career Management Fields (CMF) are available. Here you can find a handy list of these career fields and how they're divided. What Is a CMF code? A CMF is ho...
How many times can I take the AFCT? A service member can take the AFCT as many times as needed during their career, but there is a six-month waiting period between each test. The military keeps the most recent score, not the highest. What happens if you fail the ACFT? If you fail ...
The Army MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) 92Y is Unit Supply Specialist, one of the most important and sensitive jobs in the Army. This is an update and consolidation of two previously published stories, “Army Supply”, and “Army Enlisted Logistician”, so don’t look for them – ...
Army Jobs With hundreds of jobs to choose from, there is sure to be a military occupational specialty (MOS) that appeals to you. Learn about them in the Army Jobs section. Pay and Promotions The Army tends to promote talented soldiers faster than any other service. Visit the Pay and Promo...
Themilitary occupational specialty (MOS)for this job is 35N. Those seeking this job should be interested in working with radio equipment and enjoy the detective aspects of the job, which involves finding clues to help answer questions. Since the work can be repetitive, an ability to remain aler...
This is a critical part of the job. Additionally, it is important to be able to write clearly and concisely. You will learn the correct way to document information during your Military Source Operations training. It is important to make sure that you follow the set guidelines as closely as ...
The hardest part of the job is that I work with active military personnel and sometimes I get lost in the language--I wish I had served so I can know what they're talking about but like I said, I work with wonderful people and they're great to stop and explain things to me. They...
Picking an Army MOS (job) Visiting the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Future Soldiers ProgramPay and Promotions Pay and Allowances Army Ranks and Pay Scale Basic Allowance for Housing - BAH Basic Allowance for Subsistence - BAS rates Army Promotions Army Enlisted Ranks and Promoti...