The infantry, engineer, supply, human resource, medic, dental assistant, computer specialist soldiers who receive that email from Human Resource Command that says; “Congratulations, you have been selected for a career enhancing assignment – to be a drill sergeant”. I went through Drill Sergeant ...
Army Medic, Serial Number 3477809. That's all I'm telling you."(Elliott Tercorien's dialogue) ↑ Alien captive recorded log ↑ Private Murnahan's holotape ↑ Requisition form ↑ Treasures inventory, Central Tables ↑ Vault Dweller: "You mentioned a brother?"Dontrelle Haines: "Marcus...
Not all medics are exposed to major trauma, but for those who are, the numbers of patients per medic is not large. Therefore, the need to educate the medics in cognitive, and more importantly, in manual skills, is obvious. Suggestions for the means to do so are provided.Ben-Abraham...
The MultiCam order includes core riflemen sets, large rucksack sets, as well as medic, grenadier, pistolman and SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) Gunner pocket sets. Developed by the U.S. Army RDECOM, MOLLE is the Army's primary field equipment system. MOLLE is a highly adaptable platform that...
1954 Military Willy Jeep Video Ad 1954 Military Medic Willy Jeep. Text or call for more information. ... more posted 10/27/23 1952 Willy's M38 (m100 trailer optional) Willy's m38 with water fording and radio, restored, 24 v, overdrive, comes with matching 1952 m100 trailer (...