Army Body Fat Percentage If a recruit’s weight exceeds the maximum limit on the height and weight chart, the Army conducts a body fat assessment to determine if they still meet the Army’s standards. This assessment involves measuring the circumference of specific body parts, such as the neck...
the other to assure proper placement and tension of the tape, as well as to record the measurement on the worksheet (DA Form 5500 (Body Fat Content Worksheet (Male) and DA Form 5501 (Body Fat Content Worksheet (Female)). The
ACFT Calculator allows you to input your scores with a slider bar, increment/decrement buttons, or by typing in your raw values to calculate your event and overall score. The app will also let you know the raw values you need to get the minimum, maximum, or 80% score based off your ge...
Army Body Fat Percentage If a recruit’s weight exceeds the maximum limit on the height and weight chart, the Army conducts a body fat assessment to determine if they still meet the Army’s standards. This assessment involves measuring the circumference of specific body parts, such as the neck...