---M16/M4 ---M9/M11 --- M249,M60,或M240B 这是一个广告支持的版本。需要Android 2.2(升级Froyo)及以上。 Army Weapons Qualification更新内容 2013-04-21Initial app release 更多 网友评论更多 下载豌豆荚,参与网友评论互动 暂无评论 应用下载排行榜 UC浏览器 109.95MB 查看 淘宝-天猫双11全球狂欢...
That means relatively few close combat units will transition to the new guns in the next few years and a relative few soldiers will have the chance to fire them. But I have. And it was a heavy metal experience. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below ...