Army Writing References Place Name Dictionary Promotion Board Topics Ceremony Scripts Character Statement Examples Sworn Statements CRM Examples Sponsor Letter Examples E-mail Examples DA 4187 Personnel Actions Official Bio ExamplesThe Non-Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report (NCOER) It's an unfortunate fa...
j. The commander or supervisor will inform the Soldier in writing that a bar to reenlistment or separation proceedings are being initiated under the following regulations: AR 135–175; AR 135–178; AR 600–8–24, chapters 4 and 5; AR 601–280; AR 635–200, chapters 5 through 15,...
Army identification tags, or dog tags, are worn around soldiers' necks as an alternate form of identification. Soldiers are required to wear them in accordance with Army Regulation 670-1. The information on genuine dog tags includes the soldier's name, Social Security number, blood type and re...
The proponent of this letter is the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM). The ACSIM has the authority to approve exceptions to this letter that are consistent with controlling law and regulation. The ACSIM may delegate the approval authority, in writing, to a division ...
Not because of the Battle of Chippawa (sometimes incorrectly spelled "Chippewa"), but because gray cloth for the cadet uniforms was cheaper! Per 1815 letter, discovered in the National Archives, from the Academy to the War Department recommending gray uniforms. See articles below:...
DescriptorDiscussionEntryEssayExpression of ConcernExtended AbstractField GuideGiants in UrologyGuidelinesHypothesisInteresting ImagesLetterNew Book ReceivedObituaryOpinionPerspectiveProceeding PaperProject ReportProtocolRegistered ReportReplyRetractionShort NoteStudy ProtocolSystematic ReviewTechnical NoteTutorialUrology around ...
An applicant must submit transcripts showing completion of a bachelor’s degree, a statement of purpose, a letter of recommendation, and a resume. An applicant must also participate in a video interview. Abraham Lincoln university: A distance learning program was first established at Abraham Lincoln...