oAddstheKoreanDefenseServiceMedal(chap29). oAddstheNavySeaServiceDeploymentRibbon(chap29). oSetsorderofprecedencefortheUnifiedCombatantCommanderandNational DefenseUniversityidentificationbadge(chap29). oAuthorizesretirees,effective1October2004,towearthephysicalfitness uniformortheimprovedphysicalfitness uniform (chap ...
The North Koreans quickly crushed South Korean defenses at the 38th parallel. The main North Korean attack force next moved down the west side of the peninsula toward Seoul, the South Korean capital, thirty-five miles below the parallel, and entered the city on June 28.(Map 45)Secondary thr...
Meet Year Group criteria Have a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) assigned in the 75thRanger Regiment Applying to the 75thRanger Regiment Civilians who want to go straight into the 75thRanger Regimentare able to apply for an Option 40 Contract. ...
Within those separate categories, installations are graded in seven different criteria ranging from pro- gressing toward a global network enterprise and state, to innovative solutions, two categories that Fort Rucker excels at, said Rita Guilmette, NEC chief of business...