The storms of autumn scattered the tent in which they found shelter, but the work went on in the open air. As winter approached, shelter was required, and one of the lowest of the many drinking-saloons, a very den of infamy, was secured, and converted into a mission hall and book-...
My hope is that, especially in light of Loper-Bright, when a Court of Appeals has spoken directly on an issue, the BIA is unlikely to get away with invoking Brand X in the end. (I’m thinking, for example, of the recent Sixth Circuit decisions mandating a version of the but-for ...
An apparent shelter attracts him. The temptation to leave unfulfilled the task given him, or delay in its fulfillment, is very near; maybe his superior will not see! Neither the hope of acknowledgements or rewards nor the fear of punishment is particularly great.”Much depended on the actions ...
The M1285 Medical Treatment (MT) vehicle is actually built to conduct surgery inside, with medical equipment, a treatment table, and an extendable canopy that stretches out over the back ramp of the vehicle, providing additional shelter space. Both vehicles are unarmed, as medical vehicles ...
who were holed up in Birao” (AFP, November 30; Reuters, December 1). The town’s population of 8,000 was forced to spend a week in the bush without water, food or shelter. Food stocks kept in the town were looted during the fighting, leaving nothing for returnees (IRIN, December ...
so every tracer on the team will need to track down and convince some multiple of that number to stay away from others every day. While shelter-in-place rules are in effect, that multiple may be only two or three people. But as regions relax social distancing measures, the average num...
The M1285 Medical Treatment (MT) vehicle is actually built to conduct surgery inside, with medical equipment, a treatment table, and an extendable canopy that stretches out over the back ramp of the vehicle, providing additional shelter space. Both vehicles are unarmed, as medical vehicles ...
The AMPV hasn’t gotten a lot of attention, despite the fact the Army plans to buy thousands of them to equip the armored force. The AMPV is not a handsome vehicle: squat, asymmetrical, low to the ground, and with lots of antennas and equipment bulges, it looks like a giant, ...
The AMPV hasn’t gotten a lot of attention, despite the fact the Army plans to buy thousands of them to equip the armored force. The AMPV is not a handsome vehicle: squat, asymmetrical, low to the ground, and with lots of antennas and equipment bulges, it looks like a giant, half...