The helicopter was on a training flight. Military aircraft frequently conduct training flights in and around the congested and heavily-restricted airspace around the nation’s capital for familiarization and continuity of government planning. The crash is serving as a major test for two of the ...
"The nation should not be worried over the Indian act as the defenders of the country are fully prepared to respond to any misadventure," he said. The incident came amid growing tensions between Pakistan and India following the Feb. 14 suicide attack on the Indian police in the Indian-contro...
EST when a regional jet that had departed from Wichita, Kansas, collided with a military helicopter on a training flight while on approach to an airport runway. It occurred in some of the most tightly controlled and monitored airspace in the world, just over three miles south of the White ...
Flynn, the deputy chief of staff for Army operations, plans and training. The new plan, dubbed the “Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model,” will allocate Army units to different theaters in roughly one year, giving them expertise in the parts of the world to which they would ...
Hypertension (HTN) is a potential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to determine the prevalence, awareness, and control of HTN among RTA personnel in Thailand. We conducted a series of cross-sectional studies from 2017 to 2021. HTN was de
A number of other people were believed to be participating in the training when the shooting occurred, but details are still under investigation, an army official said on condition of anonymity, citing protocol. Japan has been known for its safety, with strict gun ...
Looking forward, this year marks Cubo’s 25th year and we hope to have a proper do to celebrate this milestone in the summer. There is also the ongoing promise of a Cubo tour from Joe Virk and Ben Makepeace … perhaps to Canada to visit everybody’s favourite Canadian Jeremy MacIsaac who...
Army MINNEAPOLIS -- Alliant Techsystems (NYSE: ATK) has received a $52 million order for 120mm training tank ammunition from the U.S. Army. The award is for the third year of a four-year contract. The 120mm training ammunition, used by the M1A1/A2 Abrams main battle tank, include ...
During the training, the soldiers will utilize virtual reality headsets to better simulate actual combat and terrorist situations that they’ll encounter including stabbing and shooting attacks, as well as Krav Maga and shooting courses. This is designed to speed up the response time for Israeli Def...
“These drones broke through the Israel defense radars without detection and reached the target at the training camp of the elite Golani Brigade in Binyamina, south of the occupied Haifa, and exploded in the rooms where tens of officers and soldiers were preparing an attack on Lebanon… killing...