-Minimum:GeneralOfficer&Officer-6monthsbeforedate Enlisted-2monthsbeforedate *NOTE:Recommend12-monthleadtimeforsmoothertransition •Where -GeneralOfficers:NotifyGOMO,(703)697-7029,DSN227- -Allothers:MilitaryPersonnelOffice -Note:CG,HRC-Alex,isretirementauthorityforSSG(P)andabove Applyingfor LengthofService...
When that officer leaves that command, another inventory is conducted, and if there are any items missing, that simply can’t be accounted for, that officer may have to pay for them, at the very least. Possibly a bad mark on his or her officer efficiency report, and in the worst case ...
A: They are placed on the Order of Merit List (OML) by the unit commander. 34. Para 3-12 (L) Who maintains the OML for Soldiers that have been selected for promotion to SSG? A: The Commander, HRC will maintain a worldwide OML for AA Soldiers recommended for or promoted to staff ...