Army Futures Command Command Brief Creating a New Culture of Innovation Version 03.14.2019 Army Futures Command ARMY FUTURES COMMAND The World has Changed… The period of U.S. military dominance that followed the end of the Cold War is fading.
The Army's new contested logistics cross-functional team will focus roughly on areas such as data-based logistics, autonomous technology and fuel efficiency, an Army Futures Command official said Tuesday. Service officials announced the creation of the cross-functional team in late March during the ...
美陆军未来司令部进行未来作战环境评估 | 陆军未来司令部(Army Futures Command,AFC)负责陆军转型,以确保未来为赢得战争做好准备。 支持这一目标的一项主要工作是AFC对未来作战环境的广泛研究和评估。 AFC指挥官James E. Rainey上将在谈到AFC预测未来可能性时说:“这不是为了把事情做对。”“关键是不要犯真正的错误...
Under Secretary Ryan McCarthy said at the Association of the United States Army's Global Force Symposium here that Army Futures Command will be on an "equal footing" with Army Materiel Command, Army Forces Command, and Training and Doctrine Command. The organization, slated for initial ...
Army capability managers move to Futures Command from TRADOC's SitRepSterenfeld, Ethan
Army Futures Command leader says making 'heavy stuff' lighter without giving up lethality will be key in Ukraine's SitRepSchere, Dan
Army Futures Command Army Fuze Management Office Army Fuze Safety Review Board Army Game Administrator Army Game Project Army Gateway Program Army General Administrative Instruction Army General Classification Test Army General Classification Test Army General Counsel Army General Purpose Local Area Net Army...
For Army Futures Command's leader Gen. James Rainey, the Army of 2040 is just around the corner."Sometimes when I say 2040, people's eyes glaze over, but to be clear, what I mean is a fully transformed Army in 2040 means you need to be fully fielding by about 2035 at least," he...
The U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) is transitioning from AMC to Army Futures Command (AFC).
WASHINGTON — TheArmy Futures Commandis set to run on all cylinders by the end of the month when it plans to declare full operational capability, a graduation from thenew command’s developmental stageit entered roughly a year ago. AFC commander Gen. Mike Murrayand Bruce Jette, the Army’s...